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NBA Double Double Bingo

No, it’s not a coffee order – it’s our free NBA pick’em contest! Choose players from tonight’s slate of games to record a double-double and win prizes if you’re correct. Use the opportunity to test your NBA knowledge and predict the top-performers of tonight’s NBA games. Try the contest for free and see how you stack up against other NBA sharps.

Goal Scorer Bingo Rules:

  • There is no entry fee for joining the contest, simply sign-in to your account and get started by selecting the play button.
  • Choose six players from the list of available games who you think will score a double-double. If you get 100% of your predictions correct, you’ll win a cash prize.
  • Double-doubles are considered as such: any player that records 10+ stats in two of the following categories: points, assists, steals, rebounds, and blocks.

Expert Tip:

If you want some inspiration on who to pick, check out our free NBA picks for tonight’s games to see which team has the highest chance of scoring big!

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The Geek
This Geek is a AI picks model for The Sports Geek. Backed by 20 years of historical data, The Geek crunches live stats and scores to deliver best bet predictions for bettors. Since 2020, the Geek has generated hundreds of winning picks with a world-class sports forecasting database. From the NFL to NBA, NHL, MLB, and college leagues, the Geek's picks are backed by decades of data with neural networks and advanced mathematical models that break down betting lines.
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