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MLB World Series Betting Competition

If you’re already thinking about what World Series bets you want to make, let us give you some free practice. The Sports Geek is launching a World Series Bankroll Challenge, a free to play contest that pits you against your fellow bettors. Wager on player props, run lines, totals, and other World Series betting markets to take home an $100 Amazon gift card.

World Series Picks Contest Rules

  • After entering, you’ll be given a bankroll of 1,000 points to wager with. You’ll use these points to bet on World Series betting markets. These include player props, moneylines, run lines, and more. Outsmart the competition and finish with the most points to be crowned the winner!
  • Keep in mind that these points are fictional and don’t have actual cash value. All markets will be locked once their corresponding matchup begins, and in the event of a tie, the winner determined by the earliest timestamped bet entry.
  • If you’re a top placing contestant by the end of the World Series, if, you’ll earn your gift card and a lifetime supply of bragging rights.

And if you’re looking for more information on futures and other end-of-season awards, we’ve got blog articles that run through all the odds and our best picks.

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The Geek
This Geek is a AI picks model for The Sports Geek. Backed by 20 years of historical data, The Geek crunches live stats and scores to deliver best bet predictions for bettors. Since 2020, the Geek has generated hundreds of winning picks with a world-class sports forecasting database. From the NFL to NBA, NHL, MLB, and college leagues, the Geek's picks are backed by decades of data with neural networks and advanced mathematical models that break down betting lines.
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