What Is a Pass Line Bet in Craps and How to Play It

Craps Pass Line Background

The layout of a craps table can be intimidating for newcomers. There are numerous craps bets spanning across a table that can be up to 12 feet in length. With that in mind, one of the most recognizable craps wagers is the Pass Line bet.

The Pass Line is an easy-to-access spot on the craps table. It resembles an “L” shape and wraps around the betting area. However, just because it’s easy to find, doesn’t mean that gamblers should throw money on the Pass Line without knowing what it is and how to bet it.

If you are starting out your craps journey and don’t know what the Pass Line bet is, we’ve got you covered. Whether it’s in your local casino or playing online craps, this specific wager is the same. And, our strategies for playing the Pass Line are the same.

Without any further delay, let’s take a deep dive into the Pass Line bet, its odds, and the best strategies for this craps wager.

What Is The Pass Line In Craps?

The Pass Line is the outermost bet on the felt of the craps table. The area on the felt for betting on the Pass Line is easy to find. Just look for where it says “PASS LINE”.

Before the come out roll, or opening roll of the game, place your chips in this designated space on the felt. By betting on the Pass Line in craps, you are wagering on three numbers (7, 11, or point) to hit.

To win your Pass Line bet on the come out roll, the shooter must roll a 7 or 11. However, if the shooter rolls a 2, 3, or 12, then the bet is a loss. A new shooter will then be selected for the next come out roll.

Conversely, a point is established if 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 is rolled. The round will continue until the point number or a 7 is rolled. If you have money on the Pass Line, the last thing you want to see after the come out roll is dice with a combination of 7 on the table.

Following a 7, bets will be paid out and chips collected for losses. However, if the point hits, every player that wagered on the Pass Line wins their bet.

Empty Craps Table
Source: AP

Pass Line Odds

Wagering on the Pass Line is one of the better offerings in the casino. That said, as far as Pass Line odds are concerned, it does not have the best odds in craps.

The house edge on the Pass Line bet in craps is 1.41 percent. This is much better odds than other popular casino games, such as real money slot machines, online roulette, some blackjack online games with bad rules, and more.

The odds of winning your Pass Line bet on the come out roll is 2 in 9. That means players have a 22.2 percent probability of winning on the first roll and an 11.12 percent chance of crapping out. However, with the point roll considered, the true odds of winning a Pass Line bet is 49.3 percent.

Despite the Pass Line being the more popular bet, the Don’t Pass bet statistically favors the gambler. The Don’t Pass beat shaves the house edge off slightly to 1.36 percent.

Craps Odds Bet Behind Pass Line

Following the come out roll, craps players can place what is known as an odds bet behind the Pass Line. Before the point roll, players can place chips behind the Pass Line as an extra bet in addition to the original wager.

The goal is the same for the odds bet as it is for the Pass Line: roll the point number before rolling a 7. What makes this bet special is that the house has no edge on an odds bet behind the Pass Line.

We will discuss how the odds bet behind the Pass Line works below. This is our first tip for playing the craps Pass Line at online gambling sites and at land-based casinos.

How To Play The Pass Line Craps

The pass line is played with a couple of basic strategies, and a few combination bets, placing your money at two positions around the board.

The simplest way to play the Pass Line is to place a bet before the come out roll. Craps rules do not permit betting on the Pass Line following the first roll. However, the Come bet is available after the opening roll.

Tip #1: Make an Odds Bet Behind The Pass Line

The odds bet is a side bet that the shooter rolls the point number before rolling a 7. Laying odds on the Pass Line can only happen after a point has been established. The odds bet will lose or win with the Pass Line bet.

However, the odds bet is an EVEN money bet, meaning the house gets no advantages on the wager. Remember, though, casinos have limits to how many multiples of your initial Pass Line bet you can make out of an odds bet.

If a casino advertises 10x odds on craps pass lines, they’re saying you can bet 10 times your initial Pass Line Bet on an odds bet. Generally, most casinos offer 5x odds or less now.

With no house edge, the odds bet is one of the best wagers in craps. If your bankroll allows for it, max out the odds bet behind the Pass Line.

Tip #2: Couple Your Pass Line Bet With a Field Bet

Some players like to take a field bet when Pass Line bets have low point numbers. In other words, the shooter rolls a 4 or a 10.

You will have better odds of getting paid on a 6 or 8, so the bet is worth considering. Place a field bet on a 6 or 8 in this instance.

The field bet is only for the next roll, and while you may end up losing more, it could cover your loss on the Pass Line bet as a small insurance bet. And, there is also a chance that you can win both of your bets if you’re lucky.

Tip #3: Don’t Get Discouraged by Failed Pass Line Bets

Some players lose on a Pass Line bet and then immediately jump into a sucker bet to try to recoup all of their losses in one wager.

Just because the odds failed you once, doesn’t mean it will happen each time. With a small house edge of 1.41 percent, it is still one of the better bets in the casino.

The worst thing you can do for your gambling bankroll is to go on tilt and make bad bets. Remain committed to your Pass Line strategy or consider mixing it up with a Don’t Come bet.

If you are on a losing streak at the craps table, consider reducing your bet size. Following some winning bets, gradually increase your bet size as the game progresses. This ensures that your bankroll remains in good standing throughout your craps session.

Best Online Casino To Bet On The Craps Pass Line

There are many variables to consider when selecting an online casino to play craps at. First and foremost, for betting on the Pass Line, you have to look at the best online casinos and find craps games that offer at least 5x odds behind the Pass Line.

Land-based casino companies are tightening up their finances, with odds often falling below 5x your original Pass Line wager. Those are craps tables that you want to avoid. Casinos do not offer them to benefit players; it is for their bottom line.

Fortunately, there are online casinos that offer better odds behind the Pass Line. We recommend checking out what Las Atlantis has for craps players. The exceptional casino experience includes the craps tables at Las Atlantis.

With a variety of deposit methods, you can get started with a massive welcome bonus as soon as you are ready to play. In addition to one of the best welcome bonuses online, there are re-load bonuses for gamblers that want more money to play craps.

Currently, Las Atlantis has an exclusive casino welcome bonus of up to $9,500. Use your favorite deposit method at Las Atlantis to instantly receive a huge cash bonus straight to your account today.

About the Author
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Jacob Clark
Sports/Casino Writer
Jacob Clark had a 15-year career as a professional MMA fighter, coach, and Greg Jackson’s alum. Now, one of TikTok’s most important BJJ influencers, Jacob is bringing his fight sports and betting knowledge to you here at The Sports Geek. When not writing insightful fight sports content, Jacob can be found teaching jiu-jitsu seminars all over Indiana and surrounding states.
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